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Wondering what the digital program at the 2022 National Youth Science Forum is all about? It's an online experience like nothing you've ever seen before! In large and small groups, you'll be:

  • participating in tours of world-class science and technology facilities, and learning about cutting edge research;
  • chatting with people with a STEM background in industry and in universities;
  • learning about university and STEM career pathways; and
  • mixing with other like-minded students from all over Australia.

In 2022, 630 NYSFers had a phenomenal time hearing from world-leading STEM researchers, communicators, and industry professionals from all over the world!

In their first week, NYSFers tuned into a formal opening event, lectures, workshops and career advice sessions, and even met some future employers (who keep a close eye on NYSFers as they progress in STEM and beyond...). 

The NYSF Staffies were on hand to make sure there are no awkward silences and helped everyone get to know each other in small groups - leaving no one behind! 

"The Staffies were so amazing! Positive, kind, engaging, hilarious!" 

"The Staffie-led social activities and the Constellation Groups were fantastic since they gave us opportunities to get to know our NYSF cohort from different parts of the country."

NYSFers also took part in digital and hands-on STEM workshops tackling everything from launching your own STEM communication career to extracting DNA from strawberries in your own kitchen!

Keen to hear more about what the participants got up to? Here's a taste of what unfolded in the first week of the NYSF Year 12 Program:






How did you find your digital NYSF program experience?

We asked the 2022 NYSFers about their experience with the digital program as a whole:

"Incredible! So many insanely good opportunities were made available for me and I am endlessly grateful. Digital access made it possible to meet people we wouldn’t be able to normally meet!"

"Thank you for making the program so immersive even while online! One great part of the digital program was seeing all the discussions on Discord and Whova [the NYSF instant messaging platforms]."

"I found all of the activities incredibly enjoyable and informative. The best thing about the digital program is the ability to get Live Crosses from across the country and the world!"

2022 NYSF Throwback: Week One - content image


2022 NYSF Throwback: Week One - content image