The path to a STEM career is different for everyone and is often shaped by the subjects chosen within a degree or qualification. It may be intimidating at first, but with so many options comes as many possibilities to explore new interests and dive deeper into exisiting passions!
This week we asked members of the NYSF/ NSSS Alumni Facebook Page and NYSF Instagram followers "What has been your favourite unit or subject in your studies?". As you will read, the notable units and subjects were not only defined by the content but by the calibre and passion of lecturers.
Please enjoy our NYSF Alumni Recommend - Study Units & Subjects!
Animal Breeding and Genetics - Emily
Biology Infectious Diseases - Katrina
Biotechnology and Gene Therapy - Sansuka
Climate Change and Business Futures at the University of Canberra
“the classes have been fun as you get to not only look at scientific impacts of climate change but also how businesses will cope and their viewpoints.” – Aidan
Communication for Research Scientists at theUniversity of Melbourne
“I completed Communication for Research Scientists (postgrad) with Jenny and it was one of my favourite subjects!” – Rigan
Drugs that changed the world at the University of Western Australia
“You get to study the discovery of important drugs throughout history and how they’ve shaped today’s world of pharmacology - a lovely mix of humanities and science”– Alex
Editing at Deakin University
“Hands down the most useful course I studied at uni, I use what I learnt every day (and I work in government procurement!). Changed my life.” – Lea
Electricity Market Analysis at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
“Great for people interested in renewables or the electricity industry. The subject helped us understand the different between market theory and the real world” – Olivia
Environmental Economics - Lily
Epigenetic - Bridget
Field Botany and Tasmanian Plants and their Ecology at the University of Tasmania
“An exciting February unit that goes for 8 days exploring flora in Tassie's southwest and southern tas! (Experience is very much like NYSF) Staff are so passionate! Excellent for meeting and bonding with new people!” – Nicola
Gender Studies at the University of Sydney
“So interesting and eye opening and important for anyone and everyone, but doubly so for anyone going into medicine or patient care” - Amy
History of the Supernatural and The Science of Everyday Thinking (Undergrad) , and Overview of Australian Political Institutions, Knowledge and Evidence in Public Policy (PostGrad) at the University of Queensland – Becca
History of Medicine and Psychology at the University of Queensland
“Hands down favourite course of my degree” – Dannielle
Intro into Criminology at Central Queensland University – Heather
Number theory and Scientific computing at the Australian National University – Xinyu
Organic Chemistry - Trevor
The Olympic Movement in Society at theUniversity of Queensland
“Dr Jobling is a retired professor and former head of department who returns to lecture this subject each year. Best subject and most inspiring teacher of my degree.” – James
Pharmaceutical Formulations A and B at La Trobe University
“The thing I love about Pharmacy is it’s hands on, and these subjects have literally been like Masterchef with medication! Those subjects reminded me that science is for sure fun and how cool is it that we can make personalised medication for the community.” – Meagan
Planetary Science with Charley Lineweaver and Trevor Ireland at the Australian National University – Laura
Physics 1 (Head Start Course) at the University of Southern Queensland – Kaitlyn
Science Communication and Employability at the University of Melbourne
“One of my most favourite subjects, it taught me some fantastic scicomm skills, and also allowed me to jump into the excellent science communication network here in Melbourne. Jen Martin and Linden Ashcroft are the two that run it, and their passion for science communication is infectious” – Connor
Software Design and Development - Josh
Systematic Human Physiology at Charles Sturt University, Albury
“Lou Pemberton hands down the best teacher of all time, her quirky methods of teaching made a really difficult subject fun and engaging” – Georgie