“Over 36 years of operation the NYSF has created an amazing legacy in the form of more than 12,000 alumni out there around the country, and the world, so many who have followed their passion to pursue careers in STEM, as well as others who just as importantly, have chosen other paths but remain passionate advocates for the value of science in society. The NYSF has been working hard over the last while, consulting with our alumni to pull together a new program, aimed at supporting them, offering them opportunities to further engage, connect and advance in their STEM careers and interests, beyond the initial NYSF Year 12 Program.” Dr Damien Pearce, NYSF CEO
We are proud to release the first insights into our new program - NYSF Connect. The purpose of this program is to both engage and support our expansive NYSF alumni network. With more than 12,000 alumni having passed through the NYSF Year 12 Program in more than 36 years of operation, there is great opportunity and potential in this network ready to be harnessed.
It has always been part of the work we do, to keep our alumni engaged and to support them where possible, usually in the form of opportunities to re-engage with the program in January, and with current year participants both in January and on the Next Step programs. We also have a thriving Facebook group for alumni, with more than 3,000 members in all, where we post opportunities in STEM fields in the form of jobs, scholarships, articles, other programs and more.
The NYSF is fortunate to have reached a strong position where we can direct our additional resources into both building on and formalising those efforts already made into an official program – NYSF Connect. At this stage we are still busy nutting out the finer details and logistics on what this program will look like on the ground, and we are doing this with purpose, as we’d like the program to be tailored according to the ongoing feedback we receive from our alumni and also our partners, to create a program that is truly exciting and beneficial for all involved.
However, for those of you who can’t wait for more detail - we can share a general overview of what will be rolled out over the coming year!
Later in the year our partners and alumni can expect to see a series of evening events held across Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. These events will offer all attendees the opportunity to network and engage with others in the STEM space, while also offering informative presentations and workshops on career advice and advancement also in the STEM space. Topics will include mentoring, securing internships and job opportunities, how to progress an academic career and much more. The Next Step events run previously will be merged into the new NYSF Connect events, offering our current cohort of participants the opportunity to meet, engage and learn from our partners and our older alumni as well as reconnecting after the NYSF Year 12 Program.
We will also be working on expanding our communication with alumni to promote more information and opportunities throughout the year so that our alumni are always one step ahead!
For all those alumni keen to get involved, there are two things you can do for us! Make sure you are a member of the Facebook Group – NYSF/NSSS Alumni. You can also email us at communication@nysf.edu.au to let us know your current email and request to be added to the mailing list.