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Categories for International Program

Building a bridge from Charleville to Copenhagen and back

August 14, 2014 11:15 am Published by

When Sebastian Kohli first received the application form to chaperone the six National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) delegates to the Euro Science Open Forum (ESOF) 2014 in Denmark, he really thought it a little far-fetched. What chance would he, a science teacher from Charleville State High School in south-west Queensland – a school of only… Read more

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Fundraising ideas to share

August 14, 2014 11:12 am Published by

Fundraising for any kind of extra-curricula activity can be challenging, especially for year 12 students. Most of the NYSF students selected to participate in the 2014 NYSF International Program have undertaken a wide range of activities, including cake stalls, selling chocolates, raffles, trivia nights and bowling nights to raise money to pay for their trips…. Read more

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Internationally speaking

June 16, 2014 10:50 am Published by

Congratulations to the NYSF 2014 students who were selected to take part in the NYSF International Program, attending science extension activities in Canada, South Africa, London, Heidelberg, Copenhagen and Stockholm. Geoff Burchfield wrote in our last newsletter about the difficulty in selecting the students who will attend these programs – the standard of applications is… Read more

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What happened next? NYSF Alumnus Matt Wenham

April 28, 2014 11:30 am Published by

Matt Wenham has packed a lot into the years since he attended the National Youth Science Forum in 1998. Selected for a place in the NYSF International Program at the Stockholm International Youth Science Seminar, three days after his final year 12 exams he found himself at the Nobel Prize ceremony. He returned as an… Read more

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In the news

April 28, 2014 11:00 am Published by

NYSF students and alumni hit the local news:

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CeBIT Australia group shot

International Program

February 28, 2014 11:48 am Published by

Applications for the 2014 International Program closed today, and already we can tell that we will be sending another high calibre group of Australian students to participate in the programs hosted by our overseas counterparts. Successful selection for the program will be advised by telephone or email around the middle of March.  Any inquiries please… Read more

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From the Director

February 28, 2014 11:35 am Published by

The three January sessions of the 2014 National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) are behind us, with 440 Australian and International students back at home, full of new knowledge, experiences, ideas and friendships for future study and career options within science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The highlights of this year’s January Sessions are covered within this… Read more

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NYSF International Programs open up opportunities

November 6, 2013 12:12 pm Published by

In June this year eight National Youth Science Forum students travelled to South Africa to attend the National Science Olympiad Focus Week and spend two unforgettable weeks traveling around the south of Africa. Before heading to the Focus Week, the students stopped off in Cape Town, including a visit to the infamous Robben Island in… Read more

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First students from Brazil to NYSF 2014

November 6, 2013 12:10 pm Published by

The 2014 January Sessions sees three students coming from Brazil for the first time to attend the NYSF. The REDE Programa de Olimpíadas do Conhecimento (REDEPOC) partners with programs in Colombia, Costa Rica, Eduador, France, India, England, Peru and Portugal, as well as with the NYSF.  The Brazilian program provides opportunities for extension work in… Read more

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