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Monash University exploding science career myths

August 25, 2015 11:35 am Published by

Monash University will bust some of the common myths that exist around science-related careers by hosting a conference for students and their parents in years 10-12. Alumni and current students will provide insight into a range of topics: Study strategies and resources to help students achieve their VCE goals and objectives How to tackle the… Read more

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What’s happening at UNSW?

August 25, 2015 11:30 am Published by

UNSW Science Open Day: Learn, Explore, Discover – Saturday 5 September 2015 If you have a curious mind, want to learn from world-renowned researchers and need a degree that is relevant to current issues, look no further than Science at UNSW. UNSW offers a wide range of undergraduate science degrees including flexible programs that allow… Read more

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From the Director

June 17, 2015 3:30 pm Published by

Expressions of Interest from students to attend the National Youth Science Forum in January 2016 closed on 31 May 2015.  Once again, I can report that the level of interest from students was high, and that we will again have more quality applicants than places available in the program.  That we have to disappoint so many… Read more

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GSK Award for Research Excellence 2015

June 17, 2015 3:24 pm Published by

Applications are now open for the GSK Award for Research Excellence 2015, a longstanding and prestigious award which supports outstanding Australian research in the area of human medical health. As an innovation-focussed company, GSK places high value on medical research. The award, with its accompanying grant of $80,000, has played a part in assisting some… Read more

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Lui Lawrence-Rangger, NYSF Alumnus 2014 at University of Queensland

June 17, 2015 3:18 pm Published by

Lui Lawrence-Rangger is an NYSF alumnus (2014) who started a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Ecology, at the University of Queensland (UQ) this year. “Coming from a class of a mere 22 students, I had always figured that moving up to university was going to be a massive lifestyle and social change. I have however… Read more

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New Nova website set to ignite interest in science

June 17, 2015 3:14 pm Published by

The Australian Academy of Science’s flagship science information website for adults and older students, Nova: science for curious minds, is undergoing an exciting transformation that is set to ignite interest in science. Due to be launched in late June, the new Nova will be beautiful to look at, engaging, user-friendly and accessible to people of… Read more

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