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NYSF students visit The Australian Academy of Science

February 25, 2015 2:21 pm Published by

The Australian Academy of Science once again supported the NYSF by hosting two interactive presentations during both sessions of the NYSF in January 2015. “Being able to visit the heritage-listed Shine Dome, and learn about the role of the Academy is a unique activity for the students,” says NYSF Director, Damien Pearce. “We appreciate the… Read more

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National Science Teachers’ Summer School

February 25, 2015 2:19 pm Published by

The National Science Teachers Summer School (NSTSS) is designed to provide experienced teachers of science with a chance to re-engage with their love of science, and in turn, enhance their teaching of science to students. In January 2015, just like students attending the NYSF, 46 teachers from around the country again converged at the Australian… Read more

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NYSF in the media

February 25, 2015 2:18 pm Published by

Below are links to a number of stories and items that featured the NYSF in recent weeks. They are very helpful to review if you want to know more about the NYSF, its activities, and its program. Interview with NYSF students Sahil and Anastasia, about attending the National Youth Science Forum Announcement of major… Read more

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Expressions of Interest for NYSF 2016 open on 1 March 2015

February 25, 2015 2:16 pm Published by

Online expressions of interest to attend NYSF 2016 will open a month earlier this year, on 1 March 2015 and will be open until to 31 May 2015. Who can apply? Any year 11 student who is: Interested in a career in science, technology and engineering Planning to do a science, technology or engineering course… Read more

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ANU video features NYSF 2015 students

February 25, 2015 2:15 pm Published by

The Australian National University has produced this video to promote the resources of the various science, technology, engineering and medical schools on campus. Several NYSF students are featured, and it gives a great picture of what it’s like to come to our program, along with some of the other science and maths programs hosted at… Read more

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NYSF Alumni wins BHP Billiton Science and Engineering Award

February 25, 2015 2:15 pm Published by

NYSF 2014 Alumni Jackson Huang from Queensland has taken out first place in the 2015 BHP Billiton Science and Engineering Awards ceremony in Melbourne. Jackson, a recent high school graduate from Queensland Academy of Science, Mathematics and Technology, investigated the interactions between different heartburn drugs and how they might affect or weaken one another. Working… Read more

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NYSF Alumni wins 2015 Colombo Plan Scholarship

February 25, 2015 2:13 pm Published by

NYSF alumni Ee-Faye Chong has been awarded a prestigious scholarship to study in Asia and the Pacific in 2015 as part of the Federal Government’s New Colombo Plan. Ee-Faye was one of six ANU students selected for the scholarship; they are studying a range of degrees in the sciences, International Relations and law. Ee-Faye is… Read more

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NYSF Alumni Brody Hannan recalls his NYSF experience

February 25, 2015 2:12 pm Published by

NYSF Alumni Brody Hannan has just started a Bachelor of Advanced Science at the Australian National University (ANU), and was selected as a Tuckwell Scholar for 2015, one of six NYSF students to be awarded these prestigious scholarships. Here he recounts how he got there: “My story with ANU and science began when I was… Read more

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New resources for Primary Connections bring science alive in classrooms

February 25, 2015 2:10 pm Published by

Primary Connections and the Australian Academy of Science are pleased to announce the publication of three new units. As part of the development of these units, each unit was sent to over 20 schools for extensive trialling, and the feedback from teachers was taken into account in finalising the units. Teachers have been asking for… Read more

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High achievers join ANSTO Graduate Development Program in 2015

February 25, 2015 2:09 pm Published by

Fourteen new graduates, who have been singled out for their talent and potential, have just commenced a two year leadership program at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO). The program provides them with professional development and hands-on experience in the nuclear science and technology industry. The graduates spend the first two weeks learning… Read more

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