February 25, 2015 2:30 pm
Published by nysf-admin
And we’re back. The January Sessions of the NYSF2015 are done and all of our young people are home and hitting the books for their final year at high school. Both Session A and Session C were successful, with individual highlights that the students and those of us involved in delivering the program will remember… Read more
February 25, 2015 2:20 pm
Published by nysf-admin
A visit to Questacon on the evening of day 9 NYSF 2015 offered students an insight into an area of international research which is both answering and creating questions in the field of physics. And for the first time, Session A students engaged with the science teachers attending the National Science Teachers’ Summer School during… Read more
February 25, 2015 2:19 pm
Published by nysf-admin
The National Science Teachers Summer School (NSTSS) is designed to provide experienced teachers of science with a chance to re-engage with their love of science, and in turn, enhance their teaching of science to students. In January 2015, just like students attending the NYSF, 46 teachers from around the country again converged at the Australian… Read more
February 25, 2015 2:18 pm
Published by nysf-admin
Below are links to a number of stories and items that featured the NYSF in recent weeks. They are very helpful to review if you want to know more about the NYSF, its activities, and its program. Interview with NYSF students Sahil and Anastasia, about attending the National Youth Science Forum http://www.smh.com.au/technology/sci-tech/national-youth-science-forum-encourages-more-students-into-science-technology-engineering-and-mathematics-20150102-12cums.html Announcement of major… Read more
December 15, 2014 3:13 pm
Published by NYSF Webmaster
Welcome to the December edition of NYSF Outlook. At the time of writing there are 400 young people who are preparing to travel to Canberra for the January 2015 NYSF Sessions. This map shows just how widespread our reach is for young Australians. To say that there is a sense of excitement building would… Read more
February 28, 2014 11:35 am
Published by nysf-admin
The three January sessions of the 2014 National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) are behind us, with 440 Australian and International students back at home, full of new knowledge, experiences, ideas and friendships for future study and career options within science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The highlights of this year’s January Sessions are covered within this… Read more
December 19, 2013 3:12 pm
Published by nysf-admin
Congratulations to the teachers of science from across Australia who will be attending the National Science Teachers’ Summer School (NSTSS) in January 2014. Run in collaboration with the Australian Science Teachers Association (ASTA) and with the support of the Australian National University (ANU), the NSTSS is now in its fifth year. Teachers spend a week… Read more
November 6, 2013 12:15 pm
Published by nysf-admin
Nominations have been coming in from teachers of science around the country, keen to participate in the National Science Teachers Summer School 2014 program in January. Held simultaneously with the January Session A of the National Youth Science Forum, the NSTSS has been running for five years, and is designed to inspire teachers, and reignite their… Read more
November 6, 2013 12:05 pm
Published by nysf-admin
NYSF’s Annual Report 2013 is now available to view online.
August 9, 2013 4:11 pm
Published by nysf-admin
NYSF Interim Director, Damien Pearce comments: With National Science Week upon us, there has been some discussion in the past few weeks about Australians’ level of science literacy, and the role of our science teachers in contributing to the wider community’s understanding of science. A recent survey of the Alumni of the National Youth Science… Read more