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Categories for NYSF Connect

Launching Australian Science and Technology Careers at the National Youth STEM Summit

August 17, 2024 7:08 am Published by Leave your thoughts

“What next?” is the question from delegates at the National Youth STEM Summit; young Australians who are at the decision point of how best to use their science and technology interest and training to solve Australia’s biggest challenges. Marking 40 years of impact, the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) is igniting the future of Australia’s… Read more

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Top 5 Tech webinars for National Science Week 2023

July 31, 2023 12:09 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

In celebration of National Science Week and this year’s theme Innovation: Powering Future Industries, we’re opening the NYSF archives to showcase our Top 5 Tech webinars from the past few years. Prepare yourself for intriguing discussions that explore technological innovation in medicine, environmental science, space industry and more! Featuring a diverse range of passionate STEM… Read more

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The National Youth STEM Summit: Building and connecting Australia’s future STEM workforce

June 16, 2023 8:39 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The STEM Summit is for young Australians after they have left school, have started their first degree or training, and before they become more senior in a science and technology career. The STEM Summit features an array of guest speakers, peer and sector networking opportunities, a career and study expo, and discussions on the latest… Read more

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Tech innovation: Life at the cutting edge of STEM

December 7, 2022 3:38 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Innovation transforms our lives – it is central to breakthrough discoveries, boosting productivity, creating jobs and generating economic and social wellbeing. For the final instalment of the 2022 NYSF Connect Webinar series, an inspiring group of panellists discussed the importance of innovation, and how Australia’s Defence capability is driving innovation that has flow-on benefits for… Read more

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Volunteering: Make it a part of your STEM journey

November 15, 2022 4:25 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Every year, over 6 million Australians (including many NYSF alumni) participate in voluntary work, with their efforts contributing nearly $300 billion to the economy. Volunteering can expand our leadership, passion, and creativity within the fields of Science, Engineering, Technology, and Maths (STEM). It improves our connection to people, and our local environment and improves our… Read more

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Unlocking the Mysteries of the Brain

August 15, 2022 4:18 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

“I think, therefore I am,” is the famous maxim from René Descartes. But how do we think? Why do we think? How do our brains process information and form thoughts, emotions, and philosophical conundrums? This is the basis of the field of neuroscience: to understand the workings of the brain and nervous system that ultimately… Read more

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Top 5 Webinars 2022 National Science Week

August 15, 2022 1:54 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

We’re opening access to the NYSF archives for National Science Week, and showcasing five of our favourite NYSF Connect webinars from the past few years. Check out some fascinating discussions on careers in the space industry, neuroscience,First Nations science, meteorology, engineering, and much, much more! Featuring eleven incredible STEM experts across a wide range of… Read more

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What is Engineering, Anyway?

July 25, 2022 1:01 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

While many of us have heard of engineering, how many actually know what ‘an engineer’ does? The “E” is an incredibly important part of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), and offers fantastic career prospects, with high demand and growth projected for the sector. But it’s difficult to decide on a career you don’t know much… Read more

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NYSF Alumni meet range of Decision Makers in Canberra

July 15, 2022 3:27 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Participants of the 2022 NYSF Year 12 Program have been busily attending visits in STEM Hubs all around Australia. These visits involve behind-the-scenes tours and insights into research centres and industry employers. It’s not just the buildings that are impressive – it’s the people. From senior figures who lead research groups and large-scale projects to… Read more

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