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Categories for National Youth Science Forum

Meet NYSF Alumnus Jason Borg (NYSF 2010)

June 17, 2015 9:21 am Published by

Jason Borg attended the NYSF in Canberra in 2010 and National Youth Science Week (NYSW) in Pretoria, South Africa later that same year. Since then he has graduated from the University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Science, majoring in biology. He completed his Honours year in the University of Sydney’s Evolutionary and Ecological Physiology… Read more

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From the Director

April 29, 2015 1:40 pm Published by

Online Expressions of Interest for students to attend the National Youth Science Forum in 2016 opened on 1 March and have been steadily coming in. Rotary clubs should however continue to promote the program in their local areas to ensure the students who will benefit the most from attending the NYSF have the opportunity to… Read more

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Say yes to opportunity

April 29, 2015 1:38 pm Published by

If you’d told young Liesl Folks at the 1984 inaugural NSSS (National Science Summer School) that one day she’d be the Dean of Engineering and Applied Sciences at a major American university she wouldn’t have believed you. It certainly wasn’t part of the plan. There wasn’t one. “I’ve never had plans or expectations. I live… Read more

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NYSF’s Next Step Melbourne program very popular

April 29, 2015 1:34 pm Published by

The NYSF Next Step programs for 2015 kicked off in Melbourne in April, with visits to NYSF Partners CSL, GSK, Monash University, The University of Melbourne, as well as the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute (WEHI), and the Victorian Space Science Education Centre (VSSEC). Next Step programs aim to promote our Partner organisations through laboratory and… Read more

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Brisbane Next Step stepped up

April 29, 2015 1:32 pm Published by

The Brisbane Next Step visit in April was very well attended again this year, with 70 students participating in range of different visits arranged specifically for NYSF students: the Queensland Institute of Medical Research, The Edge at the State Library of Queensland, The Museum of Queensland, Tritium Engineering, the Pharmacy Australia Centre of Excellence, and… Read more

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Heroes of the sky

April 29, 2015 1:30 pm Published by

Victorian NYSF 2015 Alumni Hayley Houston and Dane Seaver were among the huge crowds at the Australian International Airshow at Avalon Airport in February / March, which featured aerobatics and battle re-enactments. This year’s Airshow celebrated the Centenary of ANZAC, saluting the heroes of the sky. 2015 alumna Hayley Houston says she has always had… Read more

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What NYSF means to me – NYSF Alumnus Stuart McKelvie

April 29, 2015 1:26 pm Published by

My National Youth Science Forum experience started a little over five years ago and continues to this day. And I feel the affect it has had on my life every day. Attending the NYSF was a profoundly life-changing fortnight, one that I will never forget and one that I have been fortunate enough to repeat… Read more

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Q&A with Amy Norman, Chief of Staff, Session C January 2015

April 29, 2015 1:24 pm Published by

1. Did your attendance at NYSF at the beginning of year 12 have an impact on your university choice? For example, did the NYSF show you that there was more than one university to choose from when it came to selecting which courses you chose to study? The NYSF definitely had a major impact on… Read more

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Were you at NYSF and visited DSN (Tidbinbilla) 10 years ago?

April 29, 2015 1:18 pm Published by

Did you visit the Canberra Deep Space Station at Tidbinbilla in 2005? Our friends at Tidibinbilla would like to know what you have been up to since then. Both Professor Steve Tingay and Dr Subho Banerjee cite their visits to Tidbinbilla as a major influence on their future study and careers. But what about other… Read more

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NYSF 2015 Alumna accepted into Harvard Summer School

April 29, 2015 1:16 pm Published by

Congratulations to Kathrin Orda, an NYSF Alumna 2015, who has been accepted to attend the Harvard Summer School at Harvard University in Cambridge Massachusetts later this year. The secondary school program offers a seven-week residential summer program that runs from 22 June to 14 August 2015 for domestic and international students who graduate in 2015…. Read more

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