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Categories for National Youth Science Forum

Mulloon Institute hosts students from NYSF 2015

February 25, 2015 2:22 pm Published by

Students interested in environmental land science at NYSF 2015 Session C visited long-time NYSF collaborator, The Mulloon Institute’s agricultural educational farm. The Mulloon Institute is a not-for-profit independent charity that aims to make holistic landscape management a mainstream practice for sustainable and profitable agricultural businesses. The Institute cooperates in a number of areas with the… Read more

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NYSF students visit The Australian Academy of Science

February 25, 2015 2:21 pm Published by

The Australian Academy of Science once again supported the NYSF by hosting two interactive presentations during both sessions of the NYSF in January 2015. “Being able to visit the heritage-listed Shine Dome, and learn about the role of the Academy is a unique activity for the students,” says NYSF Director, Damien Pearce. “We appreciate the… Read more

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Fundraising tips from Rotary’s Harry Howard, District 9700

February 25, 2015 2:20 pm Published by

Cowra Rotary Club’s Harry Howard is an experienced fundraiser who has helped many NYSF alumni raise funds to attend international science programs such as the London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF). The LIYSF is a two-week residential event that attracts over 400 of the world’s leading young scientists aged 17-21. It is held at Imperial… Read more

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National Science Teachers’ Summer School

February 25, 2015 2:19 pm Published by

The National Science Teachers Summer School (NSTSS) is designed to provide experienced teachers of science with a chance to re-engage with their love of science, and in turn, enhance their teaching of science to students. In January 2015, just like students attending the NYSF, 46 teachers from around the country again converged at the Australian… Read more

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NYSF in the media

February 25, 2015 2:18 pm Published by

Below are links to a number of stories and items that featured the NYSF in recent weeks. They are very helpful to review if you want to know more about the NYSF, its activities, and its program. Interview with NYSF students Sahil and Anastasia, about attending the National Youth Science Forum Announcement of major… Read more

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Expressions of Interest for NYSF 2016 open on 1 March 2015

February 25, 2015 2:16 pm Published by

Online expressions of interest to attend NYSF 2016 will open a month earlier this year, on 1 March 2015 and will be open until to 31 May 2015. Who can apply? Any year 11 student who is: Interested in a career in science, technology and engineering Planning to do a science, technology or engineering course… Read more

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NYSF Alumni wins BHP Billiton Science and Engineering Award

February 25, 2015 2:15 pm Published by

NYSF 2014 Alumni Jackson Huang from Queensland has taken out first place in the 2015 BHP Billiton Science and Engineering Awards ceremony in Melbourne. Jackson, a recent high school graduate from Queensland Academy of Science, Mathematics and Technology, investigated the interactions between different heartburn drugs and how they might affect or weaken one another. Working… Read more

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She rocks!

February 25, 2015 2:14 pm Published by

Daniella de Pretis is from Adelaide, and attended the NYSF in 2004. “I attended high school in South Australia and although I knew I loved science, I had no idea what I wanted to do with myself! In my time at the NYSF I learned that by studying a generalised degree, I would have the… Read more

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The Tuckwell Scholarship – no ordinary scholarship

February 25, 2015 2:11 pm Published by

Each year ANU selects up to 25 students to receive scholarships worth $21,700 per year* for students wanting to study a single or double undergraduate program, including Honours and ANU vertical degrees. The Tuckwell Scholarship isn’t just about academic performance. The Tuckwell vision is to see highly talented and motivated school leavers fulfil their potential… Read more

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