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Categories for National Youth Science Forum

Science in ACTion 2014

October 28, 2014 3:26 pm Published by

Canberra and regionally based NYSF alumni volunteered their time to participate in Science in ACTion at the Australian National University (ANU) in August – a two-day event, which runs annually as part of National Science Week, celebrating science and technology. This year, the NYSF hosted a booth at the event, and a number of local… Read more

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Outward Bound Australia partner with NYSF in student staff training

October 28, 2014 3:25 pm Published by

In the lead up to the NYSF January Sessions, incoming student staff leaders travelled to Tharwa, 35 kilometres south of Canberra in August to participate in a leadership training program. A key component is the outdoor trekking experience and student camp environment, delivered by Outward Bound Australia. This trek experience helps participants to develop awareness… Read more

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O Canada!

October 28, 2014 3:24 pm Published by

Six NYSF students attended the Canada Wide Science Fair (CWSF) in May 2014 as ambassadors for Australian science. Emily-Grace Nicholson Gartley, Tarra Brain, Shoshana Rapley, Courtney Paton, Riley Le Lay and Kenny Purohit applied to attend the NYSF International Program in February 2014, and were selected for CWSF. CWSF is Canada’s leading youth science event,… Read more

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Which NYSF group are you in?

October 28, 2014 3:22 pm Published by

Albert Einstein and Sir Isaac Newton are well known scientists but have you heard of Australian scientists Sir Marcus Oliphant, or Dorothy Hill? These science greats along with Professor Elizabeth Blackburn and Marie Sklodowska-Curie, are the names chosen for four new interest groups introduced for January 2015 session. An additional 80 students will be attending… Read more

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“Being a nerd was a good thing!” – David Snowdon, Alumni 1998

October 28, 2014 3:20 pm Published by

It sounds like an overstatement, but the NYSF was one of the truly formative experiences of my life. The two weeks in Canberra during 1998’s Session A were a critical step. Most of my best and lasting relationships stem from
 my time at NYSF, the people I met through it, or the confidence I gained
… Read more

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NYSF alumni society at University of Melbourne

October 28, 2014 3:18 pm Published by

Students at the University of Melbourne have recently decided to form an alumni society. President, Kushani Hewage, tells how it came about: The National Youth Science Forum Alumni Society at the University of Melbourne was founded this year after a gruelling semester-long process full of applications. We collaborated to create this group after finding out… Read more

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NYSF students feature in 2014 Qld Peter Doherty Awards

October 28, 2014 3:17 pm Published by

Congratulations to NYSF alumni who have won an Outstanding Senior Science Student Award as part of the Peter Doherty Award for Excellence in Science and Science Education. Of the ten students who won awards this year, five were NYSF alumni. Winners were announced by the Queensland Minister for Education, Training and Employment during National Science… Read more

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Is your email address current?

October 28, 2014 3:16 pm Published by

2014 students – as year 12 completes, please make sure you hop on to the NSYF database and update your email address if it is still a school address. We need to continue contacting you into the new year and beyond. If you aren’t in our facebook group, please like our page and ask the join… Read more

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Turning your NYSF experience into a science career

October 28, 2014 3:12 pm Published by

With a program that is packed full of exciting and diverse science activities it would be hard not to discover your passion for science at the NYSF summer program. Like the NYSF program The Australian National University (ANU) offers a great and varied range of science degrees and it is often this variety that leads… Read more

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