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1 10 11 12 13 14 27

The Week That Was STEM Explorer 2019

August 9, 2019 9:57 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The NYSF is pleased to report another successful delivery of the STEM Explorer program in Adelaide. On the 15th of July, 80 year 7-8 students ventured to the Adelaide Hills from around the state (as far as Port Lincoln, Mt Gambier and Woomera). This was the third year the program ran and wouldn’t be possible… Read more

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NYSF 2016 Alumnus Jamali

August 5, 2019 1:00 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

This weeks alumni article comes from NYSF 2016 Alumnus Jamali Kigotho, who since completing the NYSF has been very busy working on an environmental startup, while completing a double degree at university. Here is his story: “Even before I attended NYSF in 2016 I knew I wanted a career in STEM, the fields of engineering… Read more

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NYSF 2019 International Program

August 1, 2019 11:14 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The NYSF International Program follows on for selected NYSF Year 12 Program alumni. This year, the International Program has taken students around the world to Germany, London, Singapore, and America, where participants will experience different STEM fields.  London International Youth Science Forum The LIYSF is our largest international program, with students from around the world… Read more

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Turning Wastewater into Carbon-rich Fertiliser

July 22, 2019 1:00 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

This weeks alumni article was written by the very talented 2018 NYSF Year 12 Program alumna Nga Nguyen. Before even starting the NYSF program, Nga had completed two independent research projects, and since NYSF she has travelled the world sharing her ideas with leading companies such as BHP! “Hi! I’m Nga Nguyen, a 2018 NYSF… Read more

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NYSF ‘connects’ with Melbourne Universities

July 18, 2019 3:46 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

What does maths have to do with the Ebola virus? Everything!  According to Prof. James McCaw, from The University of Melbourne, maths plays a big part in stopping an epidemic in its tracks. To determine how diseases spread, you need to bring together mathematics and statistics and collaborate with governments to save lives. This was… Read more

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STEM Explorer 2019 Gets Underway!

July 16, 2019 7:27 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

After lengthy preparations, we’re all finally here on the ground diving into STEM Explorer 2019, and we are very excited to be here, too. Run together with the South Australian Department for Education, this five-day program is full to the brim with a whole range of insight and learning about STEM careers and research avenues… Read more

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It’s Staffie Training Time Here In Canberra

July 15, 2019 4:29 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

While it may still be more than six months until the NYSF 2020 Year 12 Program officially kicks off, preparations have already well and truly begun here in Canberra with the training of the next generation of “Staffies” through our Student Staff Leadership Program. Run in cooperation with Outward Bound Australia our student staff members, including… Read more

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