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Presentations from across the globe inspire at LIYSF 2018

August 4, 2018 8:44 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

“Science for the Future” is the London International Youth Science Forum’s (LIYSF) motto for its 60th year in empowering youth in science across the globe.  At the “Science Bazaar” students attending the program had the opportunity to present posters on their own personal interest projects to the rest of LIYSF 2018 cohort, as well as… Read more

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Celebrating 35 years of NYSF Alumni

July 30, 2018 2:51 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

In 2018, the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) is celebrating the 35th anniversary of the NYSF Year 12 Program (previously called the National Summer Science School (NSSS)), which was founded by Rotary in 1983. To honour this achievement and to showcase this rich history, we’ve been running a special promotion featuring alumni from each year of… Read more

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Young scientists design cities of the future

July 25, 2018 2:31 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

What will our cities of the future look like?  This key question provided a focus for the students at the recent National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) STEM Explorer Program 2018 held in Adelaide. Over 100 South Australian students, 11 inspiring Youth Advisors, 15 different STEM visits, projects, quizzes, presentations, games, workshops and more made for a week’s worth of STEMtastic… Read more

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Olympic Cauldrons, fast cars and VIPs – NYSF STEM Explorer 2018 Day 4

July 19, 2018 11:28 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Day 4 of NYSF STEM Explorer 2018 started with the final STEM visits for the program. University of South Australia – Magill Campus Watching brain science in action, there were several hands-on demonstrations of techniques used to measure brain activity or perform brain stimulation.  The students listened to short presentations about how these methods are helping… Read more

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NYSF STEM Explorer 2018 Day 1

July 16, 2018 11:07 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

After months of preparation it’s finally here, NYSF STEM Explorer 2018! More than 100 students from over 60 South Australian schools arrived today for the immersive, hands on science program.  Delivered in collaboration with the South Australian Department for Education, the students selected to participate in the program range from years six to nine. In its… Read more

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Meet the NYSF STEM Explorer Youth Advisors

July 16, 2018 11:36 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The NYSF STEM Explorer Program 2018 kicks off in Adelaide today so we thought there was no better time to introduce the program’s Youth Advisors (YA).  One of the most important and unique aspects of the program is our ‘youth for youth’ model, adopted from the NYSF’s Year 12 Program.  For 35 years this ‘youth for youth’ model has been… Read more

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Winter in Canbrrra? Brrring it on.

July 13, 2018 11:15 am Published by Leave your thoughts

A group of hardy NYSF 2018 participants braced themselves for the cold to participate in the Next Step Canberra program this week. Australian National University’s Science department organised visits and activities covering chemistry (how much vitamin D is in orange juice?), biology, physics (Andrew Papworth rides again!) and psychology providing a good sample of the… Read more

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