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Alumnus Declan Clausen appointed Deputy Lord Mayor

September 28, 2017 11:46 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) is very proud of its fabulous alumni and Newcastle City Councillor, Declan Clausen is no exception. Declan, who attended the NYSF in 2010, has become the youngest person to be named Newcastle city’s Deputy Lord Mayor. The recent appointment followed his election in 2015 to the Newcastle City Council,… Read more

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What NYSF did in National Science Week

August 25, 2017 2:03 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

What will our Future Earth look like?  This was the topic of National Science Week this year –  a week designed to acknowledge and celebrate science in all of its aspects,  and to encourage younger people to become fascinated in the world we live in. In Canberra, the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) and its… Read more

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STEM Talent on tap for STEM Explorer groups

August 24, 2017 10:19 am Published by Leave your thoughts

South Australia’s abundance of talented scientists were highlighted during the National Youth Science Forums’ (NYSF) recent STEM Explorer Program. STEM Explorer, a pilot program held in collaboration with the South Australian Department of Education and Child Development (DECD) for year seven and eight students was designed to pique students’ interest in science and encourage them… Read more

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Highlights of NYSF STEM Explorer 2017

August 3, 2017 2:40 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

NYSF STEM Explorers were kept busy throughout the five-day program in Adelaide. Arriving on Monday afternoon, participants spent the first afternoon getting to know each other, their Youth Advisors and the NYSF team. On Tuesday, the day kicked off with a critical and scientific thinking workshop hosted by Ellen from NYSF designed to encourage analytical thinking and… Read more

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Meet the Youth Advisors of NYSF STEM Explorer

July 24, 2017 1:02 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) has used a by youth for youth model in our NYSF Year 12 Program for the majority of its 35 years in operation. This is just one aspect that makes the program so unique! This same tried and tested model has also been implemented for the new STEM Explorer program running… Read more

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Involving alumni in NYSF Next Step events

May 30, 2017 2:09 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Nate Byrne, NYSF alumnus (NYSF 2001) and newly-minted TV breakfast meteorologist – yes, the weather guy – from ABC News Breakfast, was the keynote speaker at the NYSF Next Step Melbourne alumni event in March. In the first of two alumni events supported by IP Australia in 2017, and hosted by The University of Melbourne, this was an opportunity for… Read more

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NYSF 2017 students visit LMA’s STELaRLaB

May 30, 2017 2:04 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Lockheed Martin Australia’s STELaRLaB hosted 15 NYSF 2017 participants as part of the Melbourne Next Step program in March. This was a unique opportunity to see what a world-leading R&D facility is like and learn about the kinds of work being undertaken by the researchers there. The STELaRLaB is the first such facility to be… Read more

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