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Thank you Rotarians!

February 5, 2020 9:06 am Published by Leave your thoughts

As NYSF’s Founding Partner – Rotary Australia, contributions to the Year 12 Program cannot be underestimated. Not only do Rotarians from around Australia sort through the 1200+ program applications to select 600 students, but they also host orientations for the successful students and spend the remainder of the year advocating the benefits of the program…. Read more

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Getting to know our Partners at NYSF

January 29, 2020 10:34 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Partner’s Day is one of the most popular events for participants during the NYSF’s Year 12 Program. Partner’s Day gives NYSF Funding Partners the invaluable opportunity to showcase their organisation to the 200 students on session and provides participants with an insight into real-world STEM study and career opportunities. Partners present in three different ways:… Read more

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Inspiration over dinner

January 23, 2020 7:58 am Published by Leave your thoughts

As the NYSF 2020 Year 12 Program Session B drew to a close, we gathered in celebration with our Science Dinner in the beautifully restored Brisbane City Hall. The evening was a wonderful opportunity for NYSF participants, Student Staff Leaders, National Science Teachers Summer School (NSTSS) participants, NYSF Alumni, Rotarians and guests from our Partner… Read more

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Sparking the NYSF 2020 Participants’ Curiosity

January 16, 2020 11:45 am Published by Leave your thoughts

While the NYSF has a heavy focus on student interaction with laboratory facilities and distinguished experts within STEM fields, it also provides the opportunity for students to engage with STEM’s wider-world applications in a less research-focused environment. One such opportunity is our ‘Curiosity Afternoon’, where groups visit sites less involved with science and technology and… Read more

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Day 2 of STEM Visits

January 14, 2020 7:31 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

In another day at the NYSF 2020 Year 12 Program, students visited a wide array of science research facilities across the Brisbane region. From exploring the world-class agriculture and plant science facilities at the University of Queensland (UQ) Gatton campus, to coding their own battle robots with Micromelon Robotics, the day was filled with insightful STEM… Read more

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Let the STEM Visits Begin

January 13, 2020 12:09 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

In the first round of STEM visits for the NYSF 2020 Session B, the students visited a multitude of facilities throughout Brisbane’s University Campuses. Each of the visits entailed a briefing by an expert about the research and work conducted at the provision, followed by a tour through the site, then some hands-on work in… Read more

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Opening Ceremony Kicks Off Session B

January 10, 2020 10:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The University of Queensland’s beautiful Advanced Engineering Building hosted the Session B Opening Ceremony for the NYSF 2020 Year 12 Program, marking the official start of session. Four guest speakers welcomed students with their insightful ideas, followed by an enlightening introductory lecture. The students were first welcomed by NYSF Board member and NYSF 1986 alumna… Read more

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