"Even if you're not 100% convinced science is your "thing" yet, you will be by the end of the program. It's impossible not to have fun on NYSF!" - Tom
With applications for the NYSF 2021 Year 12 Program closing in less than 3 weeks we are shouting from the roof tops for year 11 students to submit their applications ASAP to attend this life changing program! But don't just take it from the NYSF Team, mother/son alumni Kaylene and Tom have something to say about their incredible time at the National Science Summer School (NSSS) and National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) respectively.
Kaylene Perissinotto (Sielaff) attended the Canberra NSSS program in 1988 as student and returned in 1989 as part of the student staff team. Following in her footsteps, her son Tom attended the most recent NYSF 2020 Session A Canberra program. Here are just some of their NSSS/NYSF memories.
What was a piece of science you witnessed at the program?
In 1988, I was interested in Chemistry, with a view to studying bio-medical chemistry. I remember being excited to attend the Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research. I also recall clearly the lecture that we were given by Dr Graham Clark, about his invention of the cochlear ear implant, and was fascinated with the incredible difference that such a tiny mechanism could have on so many lives. -K
I witnessed many amazing pieces of science, such as a live cross to a researcher tracking Minke whales in the Antarctic and a program which mapped the possible spread of bushfires based on weather conditions - this was especially relevant as at the same time, bushfires were ravaging Canberra, and ended up cutting our session short. -T
What was your dream or passion in year 12, what is it now?
In 1988, I was tossing up between a science degree and a law degree - I ended up doing law, and whilst I've never regretted my decision, it is a true delight to now have a son whose passion is science (my eldest is studying law, like her mother!) -K
My dream right now is to work at CERN - the Large Hadron Collider especially! I love all things physics and mathematics, with a special focus on sub-atomic particles. -T
What is your favourite memory from the program?
So many wonderful memories, and so many wonderful lifelong friends. Our groomsman at our wedding in 95 was a friend from NSSS, and I'm still in touch with a number of friends from those days. We were also honoured to meet people like the then Governor General (Sir Ninian Stephens) and Sir Gustav Nossel. Memories of meeting people from across the country and around the world, late night discussions in college rooms about the future, incredible lectures about ground breaking scientific research, nighttime musical skits and performances....the science and learning was incredible, but for me, 30+ years later, it is the memory of those wonderful people I met that is so special. -K
Without spoiling anything, my favourite memory from the program was the amazing friends I made (many of whom I'm still in contact with), and the sense of fun and enthusiasm in everything that happens. -T
What would you say to prospective NYSF 2021 Year 12 applicants?
This is a life-changing opportunity. Meet others who love science, who will open your mind to new ways that science can be part of your future, and make some of the best friends you'll ever have. -K
NYSF is the most amazing experience you'll ever have, so don't be afraid to apply. Even if you're not 100% convinced science is your "thing" yet, you will be by the end of the program. It's impossible not to have fun on NYSF! -T
Thank you to Kaylene and Tom for sharing your time on program and beyond! Reading the stories of our multi alumni family there is no doubt that friends and experiences of NYSF has had a wonderful impact on their lives, stay tuned for the final installment of this alumni series with Annika and Jayden coming soon.
Applications for the NYSF 2021 Year 12 Program close on June 14! Encourage all STEM passionate year 11 students to submit their applications here!