“Employers are seeking graduates with STEM skills. They want graduates to be job ready and think critically."
“We are in the business of creating great science and scientists to positively transform the world. At UNSW we are looking to embrace diversity, to support a wide range of students in the STEM disciplines, and find new ways for science to have meaningful impact in our local and global communities.” Phillipa Sprott Business Partner, External Relations, UNSW
The University of New South Wales(UNSW), is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities and is proud of the broad range and high quality of its teaching programs. Its teaching gains strength and currency from its research activities, strong industry links and international nature; UNSW has a strong regional and global engagement and is currently ranked 45th in the world in the QS World University Rankings.
UNSW is involved in more than 120 Research, Program, Community and Industry Centres and Institutes. Centres and Institutes range in scale from relatively small groupings of specialists contributing to an area of common interest, through to large, stand-alone structures such as Affiliated Institutes and Cooperative Research Centres, which may involve the collaboration of tens or hundreds of researchers and dozens of organisations across Australia and overseas.
UNSW believes a STEM education is more than just maths, equations and scientific principles, it is a way of looking at information, analysing it, drawing conclusions and finding creative solutions. It prepares people to become engaged and proactive members of society.
UNSW’s Phillipa Sprott says UNSW is committed to assisting students who are looking at STEM as a study option.
“Students who are successfully selected to participate in the NYSF are passionate in their commitment to studying STEM subjects at a tertiary level. They are well-rounded students who illustrate a balanced approach to their studies and can demonstrate that they are involved in extra-curricular activities. We want to support these students in their student-to-career lifecycle,” she said.
“Employers are seeking graduates with STEM skills. They want graduates to be job ready and think critically. Increasing the size and diversity of our workforce will bring long term economic benefits to our country. The workforce transitions that are predicted to occur over the next 10 years due to automation technologies means Australia needs to be embracing more women especially in STEM related occupations.”
The Bachelor of Science is UNSW’s flagship three-year degree with 24 majors and plenty of room to try out different areas of science. Students can select from a wide range of subjects in years 1 and 2 before specialising in an area of interest as well as many other areas of interest. To find out more about UNSW science degrees go to
The NYSF recognises the value of UNSW’s continued financial and strategic support and thanks them for their commitment to the development of Australia's future. If you would like to find out more about how to become a NYSF Partner click HERE.