January 23, 2020 7:58 am
Published by Sofia Dalla Costa
As the NYSF 2020 Year 12 Program Session B drew to a close, we gathered in celebration with our Science Dinner in the beautifully restored Brisbane City Hall. The evening was a wonderful opportunity for NYSF participants, Student Staff Leaders, National Science Teachers Summer School (NSTSS) participants, NYSF Alumni, Rotarians and guests from our Partner… Read more
September 8, 2017 10:15 am
Published by nysf-admin
Offering NYSF participants opportunities to gain a better understanding of Australian industry and where scientists fit in is one of the aims of the NYSF partnership program. Recently, two NYSF alumni represented the NYSF at PharmAus 2017, a showcase of health and economic benefits of innovation in medicines, presented by Medicines Australia at Parliament House… Read more
February 23, 2017 11:45 am
Published by nysf-admin
In January, NYSF’s CEO, Dr Damien Pearce, and four NYSF alumni presented to the annual Amgen Australia kick-off event in Sydney. The Amgen Foundation, the US biotech company’s philanthropic arm, had provided funding to the NYSF in 2016. The presentation was designed to inform the Australian-based staff about the NYSF activities, especially the flagship Year… Read more