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NYSF Access and Equity Scholarships Program - feature image, used as a supportive image and isn't important to understand article

The NYSF Access and Equity Scholarship assists participants who may find it challenging to attend the NYSF Year 12 Program.

We are committed to ensuring that as many talented young Australians can participate in our programs as possible.

NYSF Access and Equity Scholarships have helped hundreds of students who otherwise would not have been able to participate.

Scholarship applications are assessed on whether participants meet the following criteria:

  • from remote or regional areas,
  • from a low socio-economic background,
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander,
  • from any other backgrounds that might need support.

We understand everyone’s situation is unique. You are encouraged to apply for funding if you are experiencing financial hardship or another disadvantage that negatively impacts your ability to attend the program.

In the application, you will be asked to outline your circumstances and how they affect your ability to attend the NYSF Year 12 Program. If you are applying for a scholarship due to living regionally/remotely, please advise where you live, your travel plans and the travel costs you expect to incur.

In support of your application, please provide:

  • a letter of support from a responsible person outside of your family who is aware of your personal and family circumstances. This might be a school principal, year advisor, careers advisor, school counsellor, Rotarian, or social worker.
  • The template for the letter of support is provided here and guidance on completing the letter of support is provided in the application form. 

The NYSF Access and Equity Scholarship is provided in the form of a discount on program fees, with the amount based on how students meet the assessment criteria. Students can receive a scholarship in addition to other funding, including that from Rotary. This is particularly helpful for students who meet multiple criteria and need extra help.

To apply for an NYSF Access and Equity Scholarship, start your application to the NYSF Year 12 Program, and complete the Access and Equity Scholarship section of the application. Your scholarship application will be assessed alongside your program application.


Thank you

The NYSF Access and Equity Scholarship Fund is proudly supported by NYSF corporate partners and generous private donors.

"The scholarship allowed me, as a rural student, to participate in the NYSF program. This was a wonderful opportunity for me to network with industry professionals and to expand my interests in STEM." 2021 scholarship recipient.

“I received the equity scholarship, which was amazing for me, and took away a lot of worry about how we were possibly going to find the funds for me to go. Given how much of an amazing experience it was, I can’t imagine how much I would have missed out on if I hadn’t had it.” 2020 scholarship recipient.